ARRAY (2) Attributes (1) BY-GROUP (1) BY-GROUP Processing (1) Base R (1) By-Group Processing (1) CATX (2) CLASS (1) CNTLIN (1) COMPRESS (1) COUNTW (1) Counting (1) DICTIONARY TABLES (1) DICTONARY (1) DLCREATEDIR (1) DO LOOP (1) DO Loop (1) DO UNTIL (1) Data-Driven Programming (1) Dates (1) Delimiters (1) EFFICIENCY (1) EXIST (1) FIRST (1) FIRST. (1) FORMAT (1) GROUP BY (1) Geocoding (1) IDGROUP (1) IF-THEN Macro Processing (1) INTCK (1) INTO (1) LAG (1) LAST (1) LAST. (1) LIBNAME (1) MACRO (1) MERGE (1) METADATA (1) Macros (1) Mapping (1) Merge (1) PDV (1) PROC COMPARE (1) PROC FORMAT (2) PROC FREQ (2) PROC MEANS (1) PROC SGPLOT (1) PROC SORT (1) PROC SQL (3) PROC SQL INTO (1) PROC SUMMARY (1) PROC TRANSPOSE (2) PUT (1) R (2) RETAIN (2) SAS (15) SCAN (3) SPARSE (1) STATISTICS (1) STRIP (1) SUMMARIZE (1) SYSFUNC (1) Shared Columns (1) String Parsing (1) TRANWRD (1) Tidyverse (1) VNAME (1) subset() (1)

 ARRAY (2)

Create a categorical variable from binary variables
Arrays 101

 Attributes (1)

The Shared Columns Macro - Identify Common Columns and Attributes in Datasets


Combining multiple records into one field

 BY-GROUP Processing (1)

A Primer on Counting in SAS

 Base R (1)

Subsetting Data with Base R

 By-Group Processing (1)

Removing Negative Prescriptions in SAS

 CATX (2)

Create a categorical variable from binary variables
Combining multiple records into one field

 CLASS (1)

Aggregating in SAS - Efficiency of two approaches


Turn that csv into a format using PROC FORMAT CNTLIN!


Turn that csv into a format using PROC FORMAT CNTLIN!


Splitting Strings with Delimiters in SAS

 Counting (1)

A Primer on Counting in SAS


The Shared Columns Macro - Identify Common Columns and Attributes in Datasets


Locating Specific Variables Across Data Sets Using SAS


Stop Manually Creating Folders in SAS - The DLCREATEDIR Option

 DO LOOP (1)

Arrays 101

 DO Loop (1)

Splitting Strings with Delimiters in SAS


Combining multiple records into one field

 Data-Driven Programming (1)

Creating Data-Driven Macros in SAS

 Dates (1)

Lagging Around - Getting Previous Date Value and Getting the Days Difference

 Delimiters (1)

Splitting Strings with Delimiters in SAS


Aggregating in SAS - Efficiency of two approaches

 EXIST (1)

The Shared Columns Macro - Identify Common Columns and Attributes in Datasets

 FIRST (1)

Combining multiple records into one field

 FIRST. (1)

A Primer on Counting in SAS


Turn that csv into a format using PROC FORMAT CNTLIN!


Aggregating in SAS - Efficiency of two approaches

 Geocoding (1)

Geocoding in R


Avoid transposing twice with PROC SUMMARY

 IF-THEN Macro Processing (1)

The Shared Columns Macro - Identify Common Columns and Attributes in Datasets

 INTCK (1)

Lagging Around - Getting Previous Date Value and Getting the Days Difference

 INTO (1)

Locating Specific Variables Across Data Sets Using SAS

 LAG (1)

Lagging Around - Getting Previous Date Value and Getting the Days Difference

 LAST (1)

Combining multiple records into one field

 LAST. (1)

A Primer on Counting in SAS


Stop Manually Creating Folders in SAS - The DLCREATEDIR Option

 MACRO (1)

The Shared Columns Macro - Identify Common Columns and Attributes in Datasets

 MERGE (1)

Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF) in SAS


Locating Specific Variables Across Data Sets Using SAS

 Macros (1)

Creating Data-Driven Macros in SAS

 Mapping (1)

Geocoding in R

 Merge (1)

Removing Negative Prescriptions in SAS

 PDV (1)

Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF) in SAS


Removing Negative Prescriptions in SAS


Create a categorical variable from binary variables
Turn that csv into a format using PROC FORMAT CNTLIN!


Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF) in SAS
Turn that csv into a format using PROC FORMAT CNTLIN!


Aggregating in SAS - Efficiency of two approaches


Turn that csv into a format using PROC FORMAT CNTLIN!


Removing Negative Prescriptions in SAS


The Shared Columns Macro - Identify Common Columns and Attributes in Datasets
Aggregating in SAS - Efficiency of two approaches
Locating Specific Variables Across Data Sets Using SAS


Avoid transposing twice with PROC SUMMARY


Avoid transposing twice with PROC SUMMARY


Avoid transposing twice with PROC SUMMARY
Splitting Strings with Delimiters in SAS

 PUT (1)

Create a categorical variable from binary variables

 R (2)

Subsetting Data with Base R
Geocoding in R


Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF) in SAS
A Primer on Counting in SAS

 SAS (15)

Avoid transposing twice with PROC SUMMARY
The Shared Columns Macro - Identify Common Columns and Attributes in Datasets
Stop Manually Creating Folders in SAS - The DLCREATEDIR Option
Create a categorical variable from binary variables
Combining multiple records into one field
Aggregating in SAS - Efficiency of two approaches
Locating Specific Variables Across Data Sets Using SAS
Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF) in SAS
Arrays 101
Turn that csv into a format using PROC FORMAT CNTLIN!
Splitting Strings with Delimiters in SAS
Removing Negative Prescriptions in SAS
Creating Data-Driven Macros in SAS
A Primer on Counting in SAS
Lagging Around - Getting Previous Date Value and Getting the Days Difference

 SCAN (3)

The Shared Columns Macro - Identify Common Columns and Attributes in Datasets
Turn that csv into a format using PROC FORMAT CNTLIN!
Splitting Strings with Delimiters in SAS


Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF) in SAS


Aggregating in SAS - Efficiency of two approaches

 STRIP (1)

Create a categorical variable from binary variables


Aggregating in SAS - Efficiency of two approaches


The Shared Columns Macro - Identify Common Columns and Attributes in Datasets

 Shared Columns (1)

The Shared Columns Macro - Identify Common Columns and Attributes in Datasets

 String Parsing (1)

Splitting Strings with Delimiters in SAS


Create a categorical variable from binary variables

 Tidyverse (1)

Geocoding in R

 VNAME (1)

Create a categorical variable from binary variables

 subset() (1)

Subsetting Data with Base R