I was talking to Dr. Brown yesterday, and he brought up an old nightmare of mine: removing prescriptions with negative quantity dispensed values.

He was explaining about how if a patient didn’t pick up their medications that the pharmacy would reverse the record or create a negative event. In other words, if my doctor prescribed me 30 tablets of Naproxen but I never picked them up, there would be a record for the 30 tablets, and then a record for the -30 tablets.

When I first started here, I wasn’t quite sure how to do it. I spent a lot of time trying and failing.

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I called in Carl Henriksen for some help, and he got me on the right path.

But mind you, I was talking to Dr. Brown yesterday. I decided to revisit the issue myself and do it my own way.

Here was the issue we had (not the actual data – this is a reproducible example):

data have;
infile datalines dlm = " ";
length id $1. drug $10.;
input id drug service_dt :mmddyy10. qty_dspnd;
format service_dt mmddyy10.;
1 Gabapentin 12/20/2015 -30
1 Gabapentin 12/20/2015 -30
1 Gabapentin 12/20/2015 30
1 Gabapentin 12/20/2015 30
1 Gabapentin 12/20/2015 360
1 Gabapentin 12/20/2015 30
1 Gabapentin 12/21/2015 30
1 Gabapentin 12/21/2015 30
2 Naproxen 12/27/2016 30
2 Naproxen 12/27/2016 -30
2 Naproxen 12/27/2016 30
3 Ibuprofen 12/28/2016 -30
3 Ibuprofen 12/28/2016 -30
3 Ibuprofen 12/28/2016 30
3 Ibuprofen 12/28/2016 30
3 Ibuprofen 12/28/2016 30
4 Naproxen 12/29/2016 30
4 Naproxen 12/29/2016 -30

And this is what we wanted:

data requested_want;
infile datalines dlm = " ";
length id $1. drug $10.;
input id drug service_dt :mmddyy10. qty_dspnd;
format service_dt mmddyy10.;
1 Gabapentin 12/20/2015 360
1 Gabapentin 12/20/2015 30
1 Gabapentin 12/21/2015 30
1 Gabapentin 12/21/2015 30
2 Naproxen 12/27/2016 30
3 Ibuprofen 12/28/2016 30

Notice in our have dataset that we have some prescriptions on the same day that have negative values, while others have positive values. Some of those values are duplicated while some aren’t.

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One step at a time.

We have negative and positive prescription values. Get out our old friend PROC SORT and do some sorting before we go any further.

proc sort
	data = have;
		by id drug service_dt qty_dspnd;

I sorted by id, drug, service_dt, and qty_dspnd to get records ordered sequentially for the same day. Prescription quantites are in ascending order, with the lowest appearing first and the highest appearing last for a given id, drug, and service_dt. Here’s what we’re looking at now:

id 	drug 		service_dt 	qty_dspnd
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	-30
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	-30
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	30
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	30
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	30
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	360
1 	Gabapentin 	12/21/2015 	30
1 	Gabapentin 	12/21/2015 	30
2 	Naproxen 	12/27/2016 	-30
2 	Naproxen 	12/27/2016 	30
2 	Naproxen 	12/27/2016 	30
3 	Ibuprofen 	12/28/2016 	-30
3 	Ibuprofen 	12/28/2016 	-30
3 	Ibuprofen 	12/28/2016 	30
3 	Ibuprofen 	12/28/2016 	30
3 	Ibuprofen 	12/28/2016 	30
4 	Naproxen 	12/29/2016 	-30
4 	Naproxen 	12/29/2016 	30

Next, we’re going to split the datasets into separate positive and negative datasets.

data 		positive;
	set 	have (where = (qty_dspnd > 0)); /* #1 */
	length 	count 3.; /* #2 */
	by 		id drug service_dt; /* #3 */

			if first.service_dt then count = 1; /* #4 */
				else count + 1; /* #5 */


data 		negative;
	set 	have (where = (qty_dspnd < 0));
	length 	count 3.;
	by 		id drug service_dt;

			if first.service_dt then count = 1;
				else count + 1;


Let’s back it up and go through the numbers I have up there.

  1. Here, we are subsetting our original dataset where the prescription quantity is positive.
    • Note, this will be the same for the negative dataset, but the direction will be reversed.
  2. For good measure and space consideration, set the length of the count variable to 3.
  3. We are going to conduct by-group processing based on id, drug, and service_dt.
  4. If it’s the first service_dt for a given id or drug, then set our count variable equal to 1.
  5. Otherwise, if it isn’t the first service_dt for a given id or drug, then increment count by 1.

Further, let’s see what the datasets look like. First, here’s the positive dataset:

id 	drug 		service_dt 	qty_dspnd 	        count
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	30 			1
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	30 			2
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	360 		        3
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	30 			4
1 	Gabapentin 	12/21/2015 	30 			1
1 	Gabapentin 	12/21/2015 	30 			2
2 	Naproxen 	12/27/2016 	30 			1
2 	Naproxen 	12/27/2016 	30 			2
3 	Ibuprofen 	12/28/2016 	30 			1
3 	Ibuprofen 	12/28/2016 	30 			2
3 	Ibuprofen 	12/28/2016 	30 			3
4 	Naproxen 	12/29/2016 	30 			1

And here’s the negative dataset:

id 	drug 		  service_dt 	qty_dspnd 	    count
1 	Gabapentin 	  12/20/2015 	-30 		    1
1 	Gabapentin 	  12/20/2015 	-30 		    2
2 	Naproxen 	  12/27/2016 	-30 		    1
3 	Ibuprofen 	  12/28/2016 	-30 		    1
3 	Ibuprofen 	  12/28/2016 	-30 		    2
4 	Naproxen 	  12/29/2016 	-30 		    1

Remember, the datasets were in ascending order by qty_dspnd before they were placed into separate positive and negative datasets. Accordingly, when we count the values, those with negative values will have the same count value as those with positve values. Any positive values that do not have a negative match will have an unmatched count value for a given id, drug, and service_dt.

Since we split the datasets by positive and negative values, we now need to merge them. We want to keep only those positive values that do not have a corresponding negative qty_dspnd value for a given id, drug, and service_dt.

data 		want
	merge 	positive (in = a rename = (qty_dspnd = qty_dspnd_pos)) /* #1 */
			negative (in = b rename = (qty_dspnd = qty_dspnd_neg)); /* #2 */
	by 		id drug service_dt count; /* #3 */

			if a; /* #4 */

			if sum(qty_dspnd_pos, qty_dspnd_neg) = 0 then output do_not_want; /* #5 */
				else output want; /* #6 */


Again, let’s go through what I have numbered up here:

  1. I create a want dataset to output the observations that I want to keep.
    • These are our positive values that do not have a corresponding negative qty_dspnd value.
  2. I create a do_not_want dataset to output observations that I do not want to keep.
    • These are our negative values and positive qty_dspnd values that essentially zero each other out for a given id, drug, service_dt, and count.
  3. I enter the first dataset that I want to MERGE, namely positive.
    • First, I use the IN option to identify those records coming from the positive dataset as a records. If I remember the technical details correctly, this is a temporary variable that doesn’t get written to the dataset unless you explicitly request it.
    • Second, I rename the qty_dspnd variable to qty_dspnd_pos. With DATA step merging, variables with the same name get overwritten in the PDV. In other words, the very last dataset that you merge will overwrite any existing values in the previous dataset(s) if they have the same name and type.
  4. Same thing as above, just for the negative dataset.
  5. We then MERGE these two datasets by id, drug, service_dt, and count.
  6. Using the IN data set option, I keep those records identified as a records. This is essentially a LEFT JOIN since I want to keep records that have positive values only.
  7. Here is where the magic happens. After merging by id, drug, service_dt, and count, if the qty_dspnd_pos and qty_dspnd_neg values sum to zero, then we OUTPUT them to the do_not_want dataset.
  8. Otherwise, if they do not sum to zero, we OUTPUT them to the want dataset.

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Let’s see the output. Here’s out want dataset:

id 	drug 		service_dt 	qty_dspnd_pos   count           qty_dspnd_neg
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	30 		3 		.
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	360 	        4 		.
1 	Gabapentin 	12/21/2015 	30 		1 		.
1 	Gabapentin 	12/21/2015 	30 		2 		.
2 	Naproxen 	12/27/2016  	30  	        2 		.
3 	Ibuprofen 	12/28/2016 	30 	        3 		.

Here’s our do_not_want dataset:

id 	drug 		service_dt 	qty_dspnd_pos 	                count 	        qty_dspnd_neg
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	30 				1 		-30
1 	Gabapentin 	12/20/2015 	30 				2 		-30
2 	Naproxen 	12/27/2016 	30 				1 		-30
3 	Ibuprofen 	12/28/2016 	30 				1 		-30
3 	Ibuprofen 	12/28/2016 	30 				2 		-30
4 	Naproxen 	12/29/2016 	30 				1 		-30

I could have done some cleanup and only kept the necessary variables, but I want you all to see exactly what happened.

Just for verification purposes (and possibly hinting at another post), I’ll run PROC COMPARE, a procedure I used heavily at a previous job.

PROC COMPARE literally compares two datasets for equivalency. If the datasets have differing values, it gives you the location and values of those observations that do not match.

First, you have to use PROC SORT:

proc sort
	data = want;
		by id drug service_dt qty_dspnd_pos;

proc sort 
	data = requested_want;
		by id drug service_dt qty_dspnd;

Now we use PROC COMPARE:

proc compare
	listbase listcompare /* #1 */
		base = requested_want /* #2 */
		compare = want (keep = id drug service_dt qty_dspnd_pos rename = (qty_dspnd_pos = qty_dspnd)); /* #3 */
			id id drug service_dt; /* #4 */
			var qty_dspnd; /* #5 */

Again, keeping this brief. This should be another post entirely:

  1. These options, I believe, will identify which values come from which dataset if any values differ.
  2. List the original dataset.
  3. List the compare dataset. I also restricted the variables and renamed the qty_dspnd_pos back to qty_dspnd.
    • It really doesn’t matter which one you label base or compare–just remember which one is which.
  4. Use an ID statement to identify which variables you want the comparison to be done on.
  5. Finally, list the variable you want to compare.

It gives us this:

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PROC COMPARE produces HTML output showing that our base and compare datasets are equivalent (see NOTE: No unequal values were found. All values compared are exactly equal. at the bottom). If you have a lot of differing values, then this output will be very long.

You could also do a PROC SQL join to determine equivalency, but again, I need to save this for another post.

As always, feel free to shoot me an email at michaelqmaguire2@cop.ufl.edu, message me on Teams, or stop by my office at HPNP 2330.