You ever had 10-45 diagnoses that you want to see, but they have some uninterpretable ICD/CPT code?

Maybe you have a large csv file that has every single ICD code and its respective CCS cross-walk.

In reality, you can have a dataset in your WORK folder that you can run through this same process. If you have it as a dataset, you can turn it into a FORMAT.

Someone had the following issue the other day:

1. They had up to 10 CPT codes per patient eyeing them down that didn't make any sense.
2. They had a large csv containing a CPT code range, a CCS code, and a CCS label.
3. They wanted the CCS label for each CPT code displayed.

Here is a mock-up of some patient-level data with some fake CPT codes for those that want to follow along:

data have_pt;
infile datalines delimiter = "," missover;
length enrolid $7. cpt1-cpt10 $5.;
input enrolid cpt1-cpt10;

What it looked like after a PROC PRINT:

enrolid cpt1 cpt2 cpt3 cpt4 cpt5 cpt6 cpt7 cpt8 cpt9 cpt10
1234567 96020 G0255 96020 96020 96020 NAAAH 64461      
2234567 96105 64446 61150 C9729 COOL 22861        
3322112 95999 63655 0169T NOPE NOPE ??CPT IHATE CPTCD JUST JOKIN
4221312 62267 28035 64461 62161 62164 62165        
4222145 95965 0434T 0386T 63000 0109T 0437T        

Here’s a portion of the CPT to CCS conversion we were looking at:

data have_ccs;
infile datalines delimiter = "," truncover;
input code_range :$15. ccs ccs_label $100.;
'61000-61055',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61105-61106',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61108-61130',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61150-61156',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61250-61315',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61320-61323',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61340-61340',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61345-61440',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61470-61490',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61510-61516',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61518-61530',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61534-61545',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61556-61557',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61570-61576',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61582-61596',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61598-61608',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61615-61616',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61712-61735',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'61880-61880',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'62161-62164',1,Incision and excision of CNS
'0169T-0169T',2,Insertion, replacement, or removal of extracranial ventricular shunt
'61107-61107',2,Insertion, replacement, or removal of extracranial ventricular shunt
'61210-61210',2,Insertion, replacement, or removal of extracranial ventricular shunt
'62160-62160',2,Insertion, replacement, or removal of extracranial ventricular shunt
'62180-62258',2,Insertion, replacement, or removal of extracranial ventricular shunt
'0202T-0202T',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'0274T-0275T',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'22856-22856',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'22858-22858',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'22861-22861',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'22864-22864',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'61343-61343',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'62287-62287',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'62351-62351',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'62380-63252',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'63655-63655',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'63709-63709',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'63740-63740',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'C9729-C9729',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'G0276-G0276',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'S2348-S2348',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'S2350-S2350',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'S2351-S2351',3,Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
'62270-62272',4,Diagnostic spinal tap
'62263-62264',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'62274-62282',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'62288-62289',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'62298-62298',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'62310-62350',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'62355-62355',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'63600-63610',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'63650-63650',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'63657-63688',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'63750-63780',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'64412-64412',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'64416-64416',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'64446-64446',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'64448-64449',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'64461-64484',5,Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
'28035-28035',6,Decompression peripheral nerve
'29848-29848',6,Decompression peripheral nerve
'64702-64727',6,Decompression peripheral nerve
'0077T-0077T',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'0106T-0110T',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'0199T-0199T',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'0285T-0285T',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'0333T-0333T',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'0341T-0341T',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'0381T-0386T',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'0434T-0436T',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'61140-61140',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'61750-61751',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'61795-61795',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'62267-62267',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'62269-62269',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'63690-63690',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'64795-64795',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'92516-92516',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'95857-95872',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'95874-95882',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'95885-95943',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'95965-95982',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'95999-96003',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'96020-96020',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'96105-96115',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'G0255-G0255',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'G0453-G0453',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'S3900-S3900',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'S3905-S3905',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
'S8040-S8040',7,Other diagnostic nervous system procedures

This is what 10 of those observations looked like after a PROC PRINT:

code_range ccs ccs_label
‘61000-61055’ 1 Incision and excision of CNS
‘61105-61106’ 1 Incision and excision of CNS
‘61108-61130’ 1 Incision and excision of CNS
‘61150-61156’ 1 Incision and excision of CNS
‘61250-61315’ 1 Incision and excision of CNS
‘61320-61323’ 1 Incision and excision of CNS
‘61340-61340’ 1 Incision and excision of CNS
‘61345-61440’ 1 Incision and excision of CNS
‘61470-61490’ 1 Incision and excision of CNS
‘61510-61516’ 1 Incision and excision of CNS

So, we wanted those CPT codes in have_pt to be displayed with the according CCS labels in have_ccs.

Alt Text

One of the best tools, in my opinion, for this kind of task is PROC FORMAT.

PROC FORMAT has an option called CNTLIN =. This can save you lots of time in scenarios where you have some large, existing dataset with formats already written for you.

First, though, we need to prepare the data set for PROC FORMAT.

The code to get this is a bit peculiar and esoteric – just know that. There’s nothing you can do but learn this weird code. It makes sense once you do it enough.

Let me highlight the necessary elements before I throw the code at you:

You need a start variable representing the starting value for the label/format.

You need an end variable representing the ending value for the label/format.

You need a label variable representing, you guessed it, the label.

You need a fmtname variable representing the name of the format.

You need a type variable representing the kind of format you want (e.g., ‘c’ for character, ‘n’ for numeric).

You need an hlo varaiable representing the ‘high-low-other’ parameters that you can use in a regular PROC FORMAT request.

You also need to add the END = option on your SET statement so you can add an additional observation at the end of the dataset. You’ll see what I mean later.

data have_fmt 	    (drop = code_range); /* #1 */
	set have_ccs 	(
                     keep = code_range ccs_label /* #2(a) */
				     rename = (ccs_label = label) /* #2(b) */
				    end = z; /* #2(c) */

	retain fmtname "$cpt_fmt" type "c"; /* #3 */
	start = scan(compress(code_range, "'"), 1, "-"); /* #4 */
	end = scan(compress(code_range, "'"), -1, "-"); /* #5 */

		output; /* #6 */

		if z then do; /* #7 */
			start = ""; /* #7(a) */
			end = ""; /* #7(b) */
			label = "Missing"; /* #7(c) */
			hlo = "O"; /* #7(d) */
			output; /* #7(e) */
		end; /* #7(f) */

run; /* #8 */

Woohoo, lots of fun, step-by-step explanations for me!

  1. Our DATA step is a usual DATA step. For those that don’t know, including a DROP = on your DATA statement drops variables at the very, very end of processing, before it’s written to the dataset.

  2. Our SET statement does a couple things. Similiar to (1), any KEEP, DROP, RENAME that you conduct on your SET statement affects how the data is read into SAS. It usually speeds up processing. Just know that DROP, KEEP, and RENAME options on the DATA step happen at the end, while DROP, KEEP, and RENAME options happen at the beginning of processing.

    a. We are keeping code_range and ccs_label from the input data set. Since this is on the SET statement, these are the only variables read in.

    b. I’m also going to RENAME ccs_label to label, which is required for PROC FORMAT. I really meant that this code was esoteric.

    c. Notice that I used the END = option before I insert a semicolon to end the SET statement. This creates, I believe, a temporary variable in the PDV designating whether a record in the data set is the last observation in the data set. If it is, it get’s assigned the value “z”. You could make it anything, though (e.g., a, b, c, gator).

  3. We use RETAIN to create a variable name fmtname, and we set the value for fmtname to be equal to $cpt_fmt. We also create a variable named type and set the value to c, which standsd for character. As an aside, RETAIN can be used to create static variables across a data set, and it’s much faster than explicitly creating it like fmtname = "$cpt_fmt";.

    a. I think the $ is unnecessary, but I like to put it in there for good measure.

  4. Here, I’m cleaning to get the start value for the format.

    i. First, I’m using SCAN to extract the value that I want at a given location.

    ii. Second, I’m using COMPRESS to remove those pesky quotes surrounding the code_range value. Note, this is my first argument for SCAN, so we’re essentially going to SCAN the unquoted version of code_range.

    iii. SCAN requires a position argument for you to extract your value of interest. Here, I want to take the first value (1), and I want it to be the first value before the hyphen (-).

  5. Literally the exact same as (4), except I’m getting the end value. The only difference is my positional argument in SCAN, which I change to -1. Specifying a -1 takes the outermost number (think right to left) before the hyphen (-).

  6. Now we add an explicit OUTPUT statement. In SAS, there is an implicit OUTPUT statement at the end of a DATA step/when an observation has been fully processed in the PDV. Using an explicit OUTPUT statement overrides the implicit OUTPUT. So here, we’re using OUTPUT to send each observation that is read in and cleaned to the data set have_fmt once it has been cleaned.

  7. Here’s that END option that we talked about in 2(c) comes into play. We’re basically saying if this is the last observation (z), then do the following:

    a. For the start variable, set it to missing ("").

    b. For the end variable mentioned in (5), set it to missing (""). This is not the END = option.

    c. For the label variable, I’m going to set it to Missing so that it’s helpful to see when something isn’t coded correctly.

    d. Now, here’s that hlo variable. I set it to O to represent “other” codes. Basically, any CPT code in the have_pt that does not have a corresponding CCS code in have_ccs will have a missing label ("").

    e. We want to OUTPUT this record to the dataset AFTER all the other codes that were read in.

    f. END that if-then-do processing.

  8. Alt Text

Weird, huh?

Let’s see what the first ten observations look like:

label fmtname type start end hlo
Incision and excision of CNS $cpt_fmt c 61000 61055  
Incision and excision of CNS $cpt_fmt c 61105 61106  
Incision and excision of CNS $cpt_fmt c 61108 61130  
Incision and excision of CNS $cpt_fmt c 61150 61156  
Incision and excision of CNS $cpt_fmt c 61250 61315  
Incision and excision of CNS $cpt_fmt c 61320 61323  
Incision and excision of CNS $cpt_fmt c 61340 61340  
Incision and excision of CNS $cpt_fmt c 61345 61440  
Incision and excision of CNS $cpt_fmt c 61470 61490  
Incision and excision of CNS $cpt_fmt c 61510 61516  

Let’s look at the last observations of that just to see what happened with all that hlo stuff:

label fmtname type start end hlo
Other diagnostic nervous system procedures $cpt_fmt c S8040 S8040  
Missing $cpt_fmt c     O

See how the if z then do outputted an observation to the bottom of the dataset? The record right above the hlo = "O" was marked internally as z with our end = z option. Once we explictly outputted that record, SAS encountered the Z and concatenated an additional record with our specifications.

If you’re kind of lost with the above DATA step and prefer a PROC SQL alternative, you can do this:

proc sql;
	create table 	have_fmt_sql as
					scan(compress(code_range,("'")), 1, "-") as start,
					scan(compress(code_range,("'")), -1, "-") as end,
					ccs_label as label,
					"$cpt_fmt" as fmtname,
					"c" as type,
					"" as hlo

	insert into		have_fmt_sql
		values		("", "", "Missing", "$cpt_fmt", "c", "O");


They provide the same results, but the DATA step version requires a bit more manipulation of the PDV, as well as some weird options that you don’t always use. The PROC SQL version ends up looking a little cleaner, in my opinion.

Okay, now we’re ready to throw it in PROC FORMAT.

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Take either the DATA step version or the PROC SQL version and use it as your argument for CNTLIN:

proc format
    cntlin = have_fmt;

That was a bit anticlimactic. This is what your log should show, though:

138  proc format
139      cntlin = have_fmt;
NOTE: Format $CPT_FMT has been output.
140  run;

Alright, so now we have converted have_ccs from a data set into a FORMAT. As most of you probably know, applying a FORMAT is pretty easy.

Let’s say that we want to see the variables themselves in the dataset.

data have_pt_w_fmt_vars (drop = i); /* #1 */
	set have_pt; /* #2 */
		array _cpt [*] cpt:; /* #3 */
		array _fcpt [10] $100. _fcpt1 - _fcpt10; /* #4 */
		do i = 1 to dim(_cpt); /* #5 */
			_fcpt[i] = put(_cpt[i], $cpt_fmt.); /* #5(a) */
		end; /* #5(b) */

Alt text

  1. Create a new data set. Drop i right at the end.

  2. Set our have_pt data set.

  3. Create an ARRAY that groups together all the cpt variables (cpt1 - cpt10). The colon is a modifier that tells SAS to include all variables starting with cpt to be included in this array or group.

  4. Create another ARRAY that creates ten variables, _fcpt1 - _fcpt10 (meaning formatted CPT). I’m also setting the length of these character variables to $100.

  5. Do the following from the first instance of the _cpt array to the last instance. DIM essentially sets the upper bound of the array for you.

    a. The DO loop will iterate from 1 to 10 here. So the first instance will do the following:

     - _fcpt1 = put(cpt1, $cpt_fmt.);

    b. End the DO loop and increment i by 1. It will return to the top of the do loop and repeat (e.g., next instance will be 2) until the i variable exceeds the upper bound of the array (Here, i will become 11. You can comment out the drop = i from the DATA step above to see).

This creates ten new variables, and each one can accomodate a format of up to 100 characters. It’s also good to cross-walk them this way to ensure you mapped on the formats correctly, but it can take up a lot of space depending on the number of variables. I recommend some other ways below so that you don’t have to permanently alter the values within your data set.

enrolid cpt1 cpt2 _fcpt1 _fcpt2
1234567 96020 G0255 Other diagnostic nervous system procedures Other diagnostic nervous system procedures
2234567 96105 64446 Other diagnostic nervous system procedures Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal
3322112 95999 63655 Other diagnostic nervous system procedures Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc
4221312 62267 28035 Other diagnostic nervous system procedures Decompression peripheral nerve
4222145 95965 0434T Other diagnostic nervous system procedures Other diagnostic nervous system procedures

Further, we can see that those with incorrect CPT codes didn’t get mapped.

enrolid cpt6 cpt7 cpt8 _fcpt6 _fcpt7 _fcpt8
1234567 NAAAH 64461     Insertion of catheter or spinal stimulator and injection into spinal canal  
2234567 22861     Laminectomy, excision intervertebral disc    
3322112 ??CPT IHATE CPTCD      
4221312 62165          
4222145 0437T          

We can, of course, apply the FORMAT directly to the dataset variables, but it permanently alters them. You could accomplish that by doing this:

data permanent;
	set have_pt;
	format cpt: $cpt_fmt.;

A lot less code, but you’ve overwritten everything and now you have a lot of long strings instead of those short codes.

You can always just PROC PRINT to check a couple observations. Here, I format the first PROC PRINT, but leave the second untouched.

proc print
    data = have_pt (obs = 10);
    format cpt: $cpt_fmt.;

proc print
    data = have_pt (obs = 10);

But you can apply that format everywhere. We could do a PROC FREQ with the PLOTS = FREQPLOT option and apply the format. Let’s look at cpt2.

proc freq
	data = have_pt;
		tables cpt2 / plots = freqplot;
	format cpt2 $cpt_fmt.;

FYI: you can specify cpt1 - cpt10 (or cpt:) on the TABLES statement to get all of them printed out with a frequency plot. You need to adjust the format to FORMAT to format cpt1-cpt10 $cpt_fmt. (or cpt:).

Nonetheless, our frequency plot of cpt2 shows this:

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Finally, let’s say we want to see the most common CPT codes cross-walked with their respective CCS labels.

First, I need to transpose the data:

proc transpose
	data = have_pt
	out = have_pt_tp  (
						rename = (
							col1   = cpt_code 
							_name_ = cpt_position
		by enrolid;
			var cpt:;

This gives us this. This is truncated to ten observations:

enrolid cpt_position cpt_code
1234567 cpt1 96020
1234567 cpt2 G0255
1234567 cpt3 96020
1234567 cpt4 96020
1234567 cpt5 96020
1234567 cpt6 NAAAH
1234567 cpt7 64461
1234567 cpt8  
1234567 cpt9  
1234567 cpt10  
2234567 cpt1 96105
2234567 cpt2 64446
2234567 cpt3 61150
2234567 cpt4 C9729
2234567 cpt5 COOL

Now I’m going to plot it with PROC SGPLOT.

Pardon my weird formatting - I find that SAS graphing commands/statements are awkward with spacing and difficult to follow.

I tend to add tabs and carriage returns to normalize things. I also add semicolons below the statement to denote exactly where a statement ends intstead of searching for it at the end of a statement.

title "CPT codes crosswalked to respective CCS labels";
proc sgplot
	data = have_pt_tp
		hbar cpt_code / 	stat = freq 
							group = cpt_code
							categoryorder = respdesc
	format cpt_code $cpt_fmt.

And here is that plot.

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I hope this was a helpful resource for you all.

If you have any questions or run into any issues, please let me know and I will address them as soon as possible.

The program for this post can be downloaded here.