You ever go through your folders and manually create sub-folders?

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Sometimes it gets a bit tedious. And it’s not fun if you’re looking at a bunch of directories.

The LIBNAME Statement

We’re taught pretty early to use the LIBNAME statement to establish paths to directories where we need to pull data, save data, etc.

For example, let’s say I’m on one of the servers, and I use a LIBNAME statement to establish a connection with my assigned directory.

Note: I am using SAS Studio. Your directory will be different on the server.

libname projdir '/home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire';

Now we go to file explorer, right click and add all of our folders, right?


Instead of manually creating folders, you can do it within your program.

OPTIONS DLCREATEDIR is an option that allows you to create folders if they don’t exist already.

From the documentation:

[DLCREATEDIR] Specifies to create a directory for the SAS library that is named in a LIBNAME statement if the directory does not exist.


Let’s say I want to create three subfolders within my personal directory:

- `mydata`: to store any copies/child datasets that I want to preserve
- `myfigs`: to store any figures that I generate
- `mytbls`: to store any tables made for articles.

I recommend you specify DLCREATEDIR at the beginning of your program.

options dlcreatedir;

# Our regular libname
libname projdir '/home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire';
# Create `mydata` directory within our `projdir` folder
libname mydata '/home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire/data/';
# Create `myfigs` directory within our `projdir` folder
libname myfigs '/home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire/figures/';
# Create `mytbls` directory within our `projdir` folder
libname mytbls '/home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire/tables/';

Then we can see the log:

 69         options dlcreatedir;
 71         libname projdir '/home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire';
 NOTE: Libref PROJDIR was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire
 73         libname mydata '/home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire/data/';
 NOTE: Libref MYDATA was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire/data
 74         libname myfigs '/home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire/figures/';
 NOTE: Libref MYFIGS was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire/figures
 75         libname mytbls '/home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire/tables/';
 NOTE: Libref MYTBLS was successfully assigned as follows: 
       Engine:        V9 
       Physical Name: /home/u40912106/sasuser.v94/your-project-directory/michaelmaguire/tables

After this, you can save files to these directories like you would with a LIBNAME statement.

Let’s say I would save a copy of the sashelp.class dataset to my personal directory.

Do not copy raw data sets on the server to your personal directory.

data mydata.class;
    set sashelp.class;

And the log:

 69         data mydata.class;
 70         set sashelp.class;
 71         run;
 NOTE: There were 19 observations read from the data set SASHELP.CLASS.
 NOTE: The data set MYDATA.CLASS has 19 observations and 5 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.01 seconds
       user cpu time       0.01 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              828.37k
       OS Memory           24484.00k
       Timestamp           05/17/2022 02:30:42 PM
       Step Count                        29  Switch Count  2
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     169
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        25
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           272